※ 디지팩 겉면에 잔기스가 약간 많고 모서리 부분이 약간 닳아있습니다.

CD 1
1. Somewhat Damaged 
2. The Day The World Went Away 
3. The Frail 
4. The Wretched 
5. We're In This Together 
6. The Fragile 
7. Just Like You Imagined 
8. Even Deeper 
9. Pilgrimage 
10. No, You Don'T 
11. La Mer 
12. The Great Below

CD 2 
1. The Way Out Is Through 
2. Into The Void 
3. Where Is Everybody? 
4. The Mark Has Been Made 
5. Please 
6. Starfuckers, Inc. 
7. Complication 
8. I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally 
9. The Big Come Down 
10. Underneath It All 
11. Ripe (With Decay)