CD 1 - Mezmerize
01 Soldier Side (Intro)
02 B.Y.O.B.
03 Revenga
04 Cigaro
05 Radio/Video
06 This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
07 Violent Pornography
08 Question!
09 Sad Statue
10 Old School Hollywood
11 Lost In Hollywood

CD 2 - Hypnotize
01   Attack 
02   Dreaming 
03   Kill Rock 'n Roll 
04   Hypnotize 
05   Stealing Society 
06   Tentative 
07   U-Fig 
08   Holy Mountains 
09   Vicinity Of Obscenity 
10   She's Like Heroin 
11   Lonely Day 
12   Soldier Side 
01   Music Videos & Behind The Scenes