※ 디지팩 모서리 부분이 약간 닳아있습니다.

01. So He Begins To Lie - 3:34
02. 3x3 - 2:38
03. Octopus - 3:05
04. Real Talk - 4:13
05. Kettling - 3:41
06. Day Four - 4:11
07. Coliseum - 2:29
08. V.a.l.i.s. - 3:20
09. Team A - 4:36
10. Truth - 4:00
11. The Healing - 4:19
12. We're Not Good People - 3:19

Bonus Tracks
13. Mean (*) - 3:27
14. Leaf Skeleton (*) - 3:39