1.My Heavy Sprite
2.Lady, If You So Spite Me
3.In Darkness Let Me Dwell
4.O Dear Life, When Shall It Be
5.Ce Penser Qui Sans Fin Tirannise Ma Vie
6.Si Le Parler Et Le Silence
7.Change Thy Mind Since She Doth Change
8.Go, My Flock, Go Get You Hence
9.Se Di Farmi Morire
10.Amarilli Mia Bella, Non Credi O
11.Passava Amor Su Arco Desarmado
12.Far From Triumphing Court
13.In A Grove Most Rich Of Shade
14.Vous Que Le Bonheur Rappelle
15.Vuestros Ojos Tienen D`Amor
16.Sta Notte Mi Sognava
17.To Plead My Faith
18.O Eyes, Leave Off Your Weeping
19.Dovro Dunque Morire?
20.O Bella Piu Che Le Stelle Diana